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  • 60+ Solidity,Token,NFT,Smart contract auditor developer interview questions

60+ Solidity,Token,NFT,Smart contract auditor developer interview questions

Smart contract developer questions.

  1. Solidity developer interiview question :What is Solidity and how is it used?

  2. How does Solidity differ from other programming languages?

  3. What is the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and how does it work?

  4. How does the Ethereum platform enable decentralized applications (dApps)?

  5. What is a smart contract and how does it work?

  6. What are the basic data types in Solidity and how are they used?

  7. What are the different types of functions in Solidity and how are they used?

  8. How do you declare and use variables in Solidity?

  9. How do you define and use structs in Solidity?

  10. What are mappings and how are they used in Solidity?

  11. How do you define and use arrays in Solidity?

  12. What are the different visibility levels in Solidity and how do they work?

  13. How do you define and use contracts in Solidity?

  14. What is inheritance and how is it used in Solidity?

  15. What are the different types of events in Solidity and how are they used?

  16. What are the different types of modifiers in Solidity and how are they used?

  17. How do you handle errors and exceptions in Solidity?

  18. What is the contract ABI and how is it used?

  19. How do you test Solidity contracts using Hardhat?

  20. How do you deploy Solidity contracts to the Ethereum network?

  21. What are some best practices for writing secure Solidity contracts?

  22. What are some common security vulnerabilities in Solidity contracts and how can they be avoided?

  23. How do you integrate Solidity contracts with a front-end application?

  24. How do you interact with external APIs from a Solidity contract?

  25. What is the Gas concept in Ethereum and how does it impact Solidity contract execution?

  26. What is the role of the Solidity compiler in the Ethereum ecosystem?

  27. How do you use the Solidity debugger to troubleshoot issues in contracts?

  28. What are some common design patterns for Solidity contracts?

  29. What are some common pitfalls to avoid when writing Solidity contracts?

  30. How do you stay up to date with the latest developments in the Solidity and Ethereum ecosystem?

  1. NFT: What is an NFT and how is it different from a regular token?

  2. How do you create an NFT contract in Solidity?

  3. How do you mint a new NFT?

  4. How do you assign ownership of an NFT to a specific address?

  5. How do you handle the transfer of an NFT from one owner to another?

  6. How do you add metadata to an NFT?

  1. Token: What is the ERC20 standard and what are its main features?

  2. How does the ERC20 standard define the functions that must be implemented by a token contract?

  3. Can you explain the difference between the totalSupply, balanceOf, and transfer functions in an ERC20 contract?

  4. How can the approve and transferFrom functions be used to implement an allowance system in an ERC20 contract?

  5. How can the transfer function be used to implement a token sale contract?

  6. How can you implement a token burning function in an ERC20 contract?

  7. Can you explain the difference between the transfer and transferFrom functions in an ERC20 contract?

  8. How can you add extra functionality to an ERC20 contract, such as a voting system or a dividend payment system?

  9. How can you test an ERC20 contract using Truffle and a testing framework like Mocha or Chai?

  10. How can you deploy an ERC20 contract to the Ethereum mainnet using Truffle and a tool like Infura?

    1. Auditor: Can you explain the concept of a "reentrancy attack" and how it can be prevented in a smart contract?

    2. How do you test a smart contract for security vulnerabilities?

    3. Can you explain the concept of a "frontrunning attack" and how it can be prevented in a smart contract?

    4. What are some best practices for secure smart contract development?

    5. Have you ever encountered a smart contract that had been hacked, and if so, how did you identify and fix the issue?

    6. How do you keep up with the latest developments and best practices in smart contract security?

    7. Can you explain the concept of a "denial of service attack" and how it can be prevented in a smart contract?

    8. Have you ever encountered a smart contract with a vulnerability that was not immediately obvious, and if so, how did you discover it?

    9. How do you ensure that a smart contract is properly tested and ready for deployment?

    10. Can you explain the concept of a "race condition" and how it can be prevented in a smart contract?

    11. What are some common pitfalls to avoid when developing and deploying smart contracts?

    12. How do you handle the trade-off between security and functionality when designing a smart contract?

    13. Can you explain the concept of a "timestamp dependence" and how it can be prevented in a smart contract?

    14. How do you handle the challenges of working with a decentralized platform like Ethereum?

    15. Can you explain the concept of an "integer overflow" and how it can be prevented in a smart contract?