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  • disappeared for 6 months in 2023 and learned these things :

disappeared for 6 months in 2023 and learned these things :

web3 tech you should know in 2023:

Gm mouse Army,

In today's newsletter, I'm going to tell you about some web3 things you should know in 2023:

1/ Learn Solidity

Every web3 ethusiast should learn solidity language because the web3 source is open and you can easily verify the function as well as check whether the smart contract is safe or not. Because the majority of scams are carried out using smart contracts and ponzi schemes.

Here you can learn solidity language:

2/ foundry

Foundry is a Rust-based toolkit for developing Ethereum applications that is lightning fast, portable, and modular.

Foundry is made up of the following components:

  • Ethereum testing framework Forge (like Truffle, Hardhat and DappTools).

  • Swiss army knife for interacting with EVM smart contracts, sending transactions, and retrieving chain data.

  • Anvil is a local Ethereum node similar to Ganache and Hardhat Network.

3/ Smart contract auditing

Most smart contracts are deployed without auditing, and smart contracts are immutable, which means they cannot be changed. That is why the majority of hacks occur in web3. And this is what we should learn in 2023.

Here you can learn more about it :

4/ Rust

A new web3 programming language used in layer 1 blockchains that can be used to build dApps and smart contracts in the Solana and near blockchains.

5/ The Graph

The Graph is an indexing protocol used to query networks such as Ethereum and IPFS. Anyone can create and publish open APIs, known as subgraphs, that make data easily accessible.

graph for developers:

Thank you

Param eth

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