SUI Blockchain

the high-performance Layer 1 blockchain

Gm Mouse member,

Today I'm giving a short overview about Sui blockchain 🔗

SUI Blockchain 👀

Sui Blockchain is the the high-performance Layer 1 blockchain being developed by Mysten Labs. If you're not familiar with Sui, it's a decentralized platform that aims to serve latency-sensitive applications, and it's based on the failed Diem blockchain platform. But don't let that turn you off, because Sui has some seriously impressive capabilities.

🥇 first thing, Sui uses a modified version of the Move language developed for Diem, and it employs a Proof-of-Stake algorithm with stacking and delegation capabilities to ensure the network's operation and security. But the real standout feature of Sui is its use of the Narwhal and Bull Shark protocols, which enable parallel computing, making Sui highly scalable.

Mysten Labs is positioning Sui as a general-purpose network with high bandwidth, fast and cheap transactions, and an easy-to-use Web3 interface. The team's goal is to build a platform for running high-performance decentralized applications, and they've even developed their own programming language called Sui Move.

In Sui, the basic unit of storage is an object rather than an account. These objects can be any type of asset and are created and managed by smart contracts. They have unique identifiers, owners, and can be either changeable or immutable.

 If you're interested in learning more about Sui, be sure to check out the whitepaper and technical documentation.

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Mouse writer 🐭