Web1 vs Web2 vs web3

Difference between web1 ,web2 and web3

Web1 vs Web2 vs web3

Gm Mouse member šŸ­,

Hey web3 contributor, today I'd like to provide a brief overview of the three main eras of the internet: web 1.0, web 2.0, and web 3.0.

Web1 was a read-only version of the internet, with little user interaction

Web2, which emerged in the mid-2000s, allowed for more interaction, but led to the concentration of power in the hands of a few large companies like Google and Facebook

Web3 aims to build a decentralized and community-governed internet infrastructure, with advanced functionalities from web2

Web3 will have decentralized ownership and control, with users and builders able to own pieces of internet services through tokens, including non-fungible (NFTs) and fungible tokens

šŸ‘‰ NFTs allow users to own objects such as art, photos, code, music, text, game objects, credentials, governance rights, and more, on top of blockchains like Ethereum

šŸ‘‰ Ethereum is a decentralized global computer owned and operated by its users, and blockchains are special computers that anyone can access but no one owns.

Thank you

Mouse writer 

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